3 June 2017
11am start
Walking Drawing is a fast paced drawing class constructed in such a way as to concentrate on the ‘how’ of drawing rather than the ‘what’. Time is arranged in such a way as to encourage an intense experience of observational drawing with emphasis on a high level of production. The project concentrates on process without distraction providing a platform for descriptive mark making that uses risk and chance to create surprises and test ideas of successful drawing.
The group will be asked to meet at a designated place where they will be introduced to the project schedule and destination of the walk. Each member of the group will be supplied with a spiral bound sketchbook and black and white drawing materials for the days activity.
The walk will proceed at a pace determined by artist in residence Mike McInnerney who will be your guide for the day. At random intervals the group will be asked to draw a subject determined by the guide. An attitude will be defined for the drawing and varying timings allocated by the guide as you move from subject to subject.
The group should have filled a sketchbook by the end of the morning. After lunch there will be a meeting to review the day’s work. You will be asked to remove a selection of pages from your sketchbook and display those drawings you are pleased with alongside with an example of a failed drawing.
Please keep an eye out for the days weather and come prepared. Materials provided.